How to Build a Platform and Protect Your Soul

On April 15, I scrolled through a tweet from Beth Moore regarding the “people of the brand.” Her words challenged me, but like others, left a pinch of confusion.


The tweet sparked a long twitter conversation, perhaps because it hit such a deep nerve.

Something we all see. We all feel. We all wrestle with.

Beth Moore responded with a full post on the subject, apologizing for her out-of-context tweet. She calls us Christward when she writes:

“This is what I know for certain. It would be unspeakably better for us to drop into obscurity than sell our souls. We may have to make the biggest sacrifice in our entire social media culture: we may have to settle for being unknown.”

Beth is such a gift to the body of Christ....

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The Super Secret Grammar Rule Youā€™ve Been Practicing (And Didnā€™t Know You Knew)

Have you ever tried to learn another language? Maybe you’re onto your third or fourth. Once you hit a certain age, linguists say that acquiring additional languages is difficult.

As in no bueno.

Okay, if we’re honest, our first language can be hard, too. We struggle to imagine what it’s like for those who are learning English as a second language. If that’s you, bravo!

The BBC’s Matthew Anderson helped us remember this when he shared a little-known “rule.”

Ranked under things English speakers know, but don’t know we know. Anderson highlighted this doozy from The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase:

Adjectives are required to be in the following order:

opinion-size-age-shape-colour-origin-material-purpose noun

In other words…

“You can have a lovely little old rectangular green French silver whittling knife. But if you mess with that order in the slightest you’ll sound like a...

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3 Ways to Ensure Your Book Dies A Slow, Painful Death

Whether you’re dreaming of writing a book, outlining your book, or about to release you’re book, I want to share a few ways you can ensure your book will die a slow, painful death.

Namely, so you don’t make these costly mistakes.

But if you want to cause your book to sink, here are some proven ways to make sure it happens….

1. Convince yourself you’re done the moment the manuscript is complete.

You’ve hit your word count, read through your chapters a second time, and you feel the thrill of accomplishment. You should! 70% or more of Americans believe they have a book in them, but few will ever write their story.

You are one of the few, the achieving, the accomplished.

The moment your manuscript is complete, stage two of the writing process begins. Sending your manuscript to friends to read and review and make suggestions. (Hint: Friends who say your book is perfect or great aren’t really helping you). Look for readers who are for you and...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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